Do you want to know the secret to doing it all?

Don’t do it all yourself!

“Anything is possible when you have the right people there to support you.” – Misty Copeland

The people who know the secret, have a personal concierge!

Lifestyle Elements is your support team, helping you and your family juggle life, and reduce the overwhelm. 

How can a personal concierge help me?

Your Lifestyle Elements personal concierge
helps you reduce the overwhelm at home.


Just imagine having your weekends back to spend time with friends, with family, or completely relaxing. 

Think of the relief you will feel when you can confidently hand over your ‘to do’ list to someone you completely trust, to complete everything on your behalf, so you can focus on the important things. 

Errand running, grocery shopping, car servicing, research, appointments….you name it, we’ll do it. 

We’re the support team, behind the scenes, helping you to get it all done, without having to do it all yourself. 

“Knowing that we are truly making a difference in people’s lives, their day-to-day, hectic lives, is the number one reason we love what we do.

Lifestyle Elements is able to offer our clients a practical service that ultimately improves their lives.

Whether it is knowing their fridge and pantry is always going to be stocked, that their Mum is going to get to her doctor’s appointment on time, or that they have someone to call when the dramas of life happen, we are here to genuinely help our clients, and it is why we love what we do! ” 

Abbie Allen founded Lifestyle Elements Concierge in 2004. 

Below are just some of the things we can help you with. Not on the list? Just ask!

Home Care

Car Servicing

Grocery Shop






Meal Prep

Key Holding

Gift Shopping







Picture Framing


Hospital Help


How To Use Our Personal Concierge Services

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Blog Posts

Mar 22
Seriously – we’re a concierge – ask us anything!

Well, almost anything! Sometimes, one of the biggest stumbling blocks when delegating work to someone else is worrying about what they’ll think. We find this a lot in our role as a personal concierge. “Won’t they wonder why I don’t do it myself?” “Won’t they think this is a waste of time?” “Isn’t this a […]

Mar 15
You Are Not A Super Hero – Making The Decision to Outsource

A few years ago one of our clients recounted a women’s networking lunch she had recently been to. The women on her table were all very successful in business and had achieved highly in their various areas of expertise. What our client couldn’t get over were the comments they were making, such as “….and I still […]

  • Blog
Mar 07
Not just flexible hours – other work life balance ideas

Yes, offering flexible working hours is a fantastic initiative for those organisations and job roles where it is an option. I am particularly passionate about organisations ensuring that staff work hours are managed appropriately, to avoid the inevitable burn out. However, what about those organisations or job roles where flexible working hours just don’t work. […]

  • Blog
Jan 21
Lifestyle Elements in The Advertiser

Hired help eases the work strain Cara Jenkin, CareerOne Editor | From: The Advertiser | December 28, 2010   HELPING OUT: Concierge Emma Jones with Internode chief executive Patrick Tapper and chief operations officer Liz Cornelissen. Picture: DEAN MARTIN Source: The Advertiser     EMPLOYERS are hiring personal concierges for staff to help them so […]

Dec 07
School Holidays!

Yes, it’s that time of the year again that usually comes around all too quickly! Lifestyle Elements is called upon more than usual during the school holidays, as this is as good a time as any to get all of those smaller chores organised. We especially help out more with children, as things can become […]

Oct 19
Did you know you can access your super earlier?

Please enjoy this guest post from David Bird of United Wealth Management. The 2010/11 financial year shapes as an exciting year with markets starting to recover and many new strategies available to assist you to reduce tax and boost your savings. One of the biggest changes in recent years is the ability for you to […]

If you’re looking for our specific Covid-19 Personal Concierge Services

Corporate Concierge Services

Corporate Concierge services are a fantastic way to reward your staff, improve the wellbeing of your team, and provide an overall positive impact to your corporate culture. 

Contact us to create a custom program for your and your team. 

Do you access the NDIS or My Aged Care?

Depending on your package and the way you access your services, it is likely that you will be able to utilise our personal concierge and/or housekeep services. 

From Our Clients

Areas We Service

Adelaide  |  Adelaide Hills  |  South Australia  |  Australia  |  International

We have a worldwide personal concierge network. No matter where you live, or where you need our services delivered, let us know, and we will endeavour to arrange. 

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