The Covid Undercurrent

I’ve decided to try and give a name to what many of us are feeling at the moment – The Covid Undercurrent.

It’s the feeling we have simmering away, whilst we are busy trying to go back to ‘normal’ – working, studying, parenting, living. The feet paddling wildly under the water while we try and look like we know what we’re supposed to be doing.

We’re told to go back to work, to school, to the pub, but in the meantime we still have all the Covid stuff to deal with:

– is that sniffle actually Covid?
– do we need to get a PCR test?
– what does it mean if my kid is a classroom contact?
– what does it mean if I’m a casual contact or a close contact?
– can we go and visit the grandparents?
– do I need to wear a mask?
– do I need to check in?
– should I go to work today?
– have we got enough RAT’s on hand?
– who do I need to phone to tell then we are a close contact / classroom contact / have covid?
– how would I get groceries if we do actually have Covid?
– do I need to book in for a Covid test or can I just arrive?
– how long is it going to take?
– how long until my test comes back?

and it goes on and on and on!

It’s no wonder so many people are feeling very weary, even if they’re not quite sure why. It’s what I’m calling The Covid Undercurrent. It’s all that stuff in the back of our minds that we just can’t stop thinking about. We’re suppose to go about life as normal EXCEPT when we can’t. And if you’re anything like me, it is exhausting, your brain isn’t working they way it normally does, and on top of it all, we have no idea when this is all going to end! Or if it will even end.

So if you’re feeling out of sorts, you’re struggling to get on top of everything, or if you have friends or family who don’t seem quite right, I want you to remember The Covid Undercurrent. It is real, and it is impacting us all, in one way or another. It means we might need to take a bit more care of ourselves and others at the moment, and give ourselves a break.

If you’re looking for some extra support, a personal concierge might be just what you need! Click here to find out more about what we can offer or drop us an email.  

We have a global network so no matter where you are, we should be able to help!
