I came across an article a week ago that seemed crazy to me at first. The author, Michelle L Bryant, stated that the key to success and effectively managing your time is to only ever spend 10 minutes on every task that you undertake. My first reaction was to scoff and close the browser window. […]
I sit at my desk, iPad to my left, laptop in front of me, and a large monitor to my right. My iPhone is also at the ready, next to my physical notebook. Yes, I’m a bit of a gadget geek. I love testing out new software, having the latest Microsoft Office suite or trying […]
Do you Procrastinate? Based on some figures, it is estimated that as much as 95 % of the people are prone to procrastination. Amongst them, 20 % of them are chronic procrastinators. How is procrastination affecting your rewards and profits? Your plans for the Year, quarter? Procrastination is about putting off a task which we […]
I have just come across the concept of being a ‘serious’ individual on Emma Isaac’s blog ‘300kms in 30 Days’. Emma is the CEO of Business Chicks, and writes about Rowena Szeszeran-McEvoy (who has been on the BRW Rich List) and her concept of being a ‘serious individual’. Emma’s blog is about exercise and her taking the challenge […]
I was inspired to write this post after reading Gretchen Rubin’s interview with Rachel Bertsche on her blog The Happiness Project. In the post Gretchen asks Rachel a number of questions around happiness, one being ‘Is there a happiness mantra or motto that you’ve found very helpful?’ Rachel’s answer was the inspiration for this post today – “These […]