Stuck In My Web #7 – Exercise & Productivity

I have just come across the concept of being a ‘serious’ individual on Emma Isaac’s blog ‘300kms in 30 Days’. Emma is the CEO of Business Chicks, and writes about Rowena Szeszeran-McEvoy (who has been on the BRW Rich List) and her concept of being a ‘serious individual’. Emma’s blog is about exercise and her taking the challenge of running or walking 300kms in 30 days (which she achieved mind you!). Thus, Rowena’s example focus on “to a serious individual you need to have your heart pumping and the blood flowing around your  body each day.”

I thought this week I would find seek out some other ideas around exercise and productivity to share with you:

On the LiveStrong website I read the article ‘How Does Exercise Improve Work Productivity’,  by Julie Boehlke. She lists four key reasons, which are Alertness, physical Health, Mental Health & Illness. Do you think exercise could change your life?

According to the Daily Mail People who exercise on work days are happier, suffer less stress and are more
. “If people try to fit an active break into their working day, they might also experience the added bonus of their whole day feeling much more productive. And that always feels good in our busy lives.”

And not forgetting our guest post from Sally Symonds, ‘Why A Fit & healthy You is Good for Your Career’

Are you needing a bit of exercise motivation? Lorna Jane has created the ‘Year of You’ website where you are provided with your very own motivational video. For a bit of fun, take a look!

To get you kick started, here is the Rocky video! My apologies if this music is stuck in your head for the rest of the day, but don’t you just love the final stair climb scene! Rocky Training
